7 Mindful Techniques To Alleviate Stress and Transform Trauma

Imagine a world where stress and trauma serve as catalysts for growth rather than obstacles. This guide introduces seven practical mindfulness techniques that can significantly enhance your coping skills and overall quality of life.

Get Actionable Insights Into:


Breathing Exercises

Learn how conscious breathing techniques like Deep Breathing and Box Breathing can instantly reduce your stress levels and enhance focus.


Body Scan Meditation

Explore methods to connect with your body, promote relaxation, and relieve tension through guided and self-led body scan meditations.


Grounding Techniques

Discover how Sensory Awareness Exercises and Mindful Walking can stabilize your emotions and keep you present in the moment.


Visualization Techniques

Gain skills in creating mental sanctuaries and using Healing Light Visualization to manage stress and promote inner healing.

Why Download This Guide?

Transformative Self-Help Tools

Understanding and utilizing these mindfulness techniques can fundamentally change how you respond to stress and trauma, fostering resilience and emotional stability.

Practical and Accessible

Each technique is broken down into simple, actionable steps that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine for immediate benefits.

Enhanced Well-Being

Regular practice of these techniques can lead to improved mental clarity, reduced anxiety, and a more profound sense of connection with yourself and your surroundings.

Hear From My Client

“Dr. Eddy is devoted to helping all people connect more deeply to their bodies and therefore their lives.”

Suzy Finnefrock, founder of the Everyday Embodiment Summit

“Martha is a genius, and I learn something profound from her every time I am with her.”

Tanya Calamoneri, artistic director of Company SoGoNo, project manager for DanceMotion USA, and BAM Professor of Dance at Colgate University

“The generous information she imparts will serve you for life.”

Jaclynn Villamil, Certified Movement Analyst, company ballet instructor for Doug Varone and Dancers, the Limón Dance Company, Keigwin + Company, and Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion.

“Martha, I continue to clarify, deepen, and grow while often inspired by your presence, material, beauty, and capacity.”

Sherry Greenspan, Registered Somatic Movement Therapist/Educator (RSMT), Certified Pilates/Yoga Practitioner, Dynamic Embodiment Practitioner(DEP), and Moving for Life Instructor (MFLI)

“I have become calmer, more energetic, and more aware.”

Erwin Cools-Brecht, Belgium

“There were so many aspects of Martha’s work that were so helpful — I have been incorporating the exercises almost daily.”

Cathy B., Pocatello, Idaho

About Martha Eddy

I'm Martha Eddy, and for over 30 years, I've championed Somatic Movement Education & Therapy. My journey has led me to teach and research at top universities and develop methods like Dynamic Embodiment™ to deepen our understanding of the body-mind connection. I've authored several books, including Mindful Movement, and founded programs like Moving For Life to support cancer recovery. My work extends globally through initiatives like Global Water Dances and countless teaching engagements. Each day, I blend my passion for movement with a commitment to fostering health and awareness, guiding others toward transformative growth.

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