Ignite Self-Mastery

Crafted exclusively for health and wellness professionals: therapists, coaches, movement maestros, and artists seeking to elevate their bodily awareness and somatic effectiveness

Tackle pain, imbalance, stress or trauma head-on, harnessing growth while addressing systemic stress triggers.

Actualize Your Potential With

Energetic Self-Mastery

The seasoned advocate Happy Raw Reny commands an esteemed reputation in enabling

others to conquer emotional eating through psychology, nutrition, and yoga.

Heightened Embodied Awareness

For wellness professionals craving deeper bodily understanding, this program reveals the path towards honed somatic effectiveness. Uncover superior ways to transform discomfort, imbalance, stress, and trauma, delivering growth that transcends the physical realm.

Somatic Coach Certification

Tailored for coaches and therapists, this certification integrates movement into the healing process. A renewed perspective awaits you, as you inspire clients to find similar relief - nurturing deeper self-connections, communication skills, and an enhanced sense of overall well-being.

Motion Mastery with BodyMind Dancing

A special program primed for performing artists and movement enthusiasts. Dive into the rhythms of BodyMind Dancing, fostering skills to guide pupils into comfort, appreciation, and joy within their bodies.

About Martha Eddy

Dr. Martha Eddy, an international leader in Somatic Movement Education & Therapy, has been a prominent advocate for over 30 years. With a career spanning academia, research, and practice, Dr. Eddy's expertise includes embodied cognition, eco-somatics, and the role of movement in peace education. She is the founder of the Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training program and has authored influential works like Mindful Movement and Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun Salutation. Dr. Eddy has taught at esteemed institutions, including NYU and Princeton, and has been recognized with the National Award for Outstanding Leadership in Dance Education.

Her innovative method, Dynamic Embodiment™, integrates Laban/Bartenieff Studies with Body-Mind Centering® to enhance psycho-physical understanding. She also founded Moving For Life to support cancer recovery through movement and has contributed to Global Water Dances to promote environmental awareness. Dr. Eddy's global influence is reflected in her numerous teaching and speaking engagements, and her graduates continue to impact communities worldwide. Through her coaching, she combines her love for movement with a dedication to promote health and awareness, helping people grow and transform.


Hear From My Client

“Dr. Eddy is devoted to helping all people connect more deeply to their bodies and therefore their lives.”

Suzy Finnefrock, founder of the Everyday Embodiment Summit

“Martha is a genius, and I learn something profound from her every time I am with her.”

Tanya Calamoneri, artistic director of Company SoGoNo, project manager for DanceMotion USA, and BAM Professor of Dance at Colgate University

“The generous information she imparts will serve you for life.”

Jaclynn Villamil, Certified Movement Analyst, company ballet instructor for Doug Varone and Dancers, the Limón Dance Company, Keigwin + Company, and Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion.

“Martha, I continue to clarify, deepen, and grow while often inspired by your presence, material, beauty, and capacity.”

Sherry Greenspan, Registered Somatic Movement Therapist/Educator (RSMT), Certified Pilates/Yoga Practitioner, Dynamic Embodiment Practitioner(DEP), and Moving for Life Instructor (MFLI)

“I have become calmer, more energetic, and more aware.”

Erwin Cools-Brecht, Belgium

“There were so many aspects of Martha’s work that were so helpful — I have been incorporating the exercises almost daily.”

Cathy B., Pocatello, Idaho

Blog Posts


Top Benefits of Integrating Dynamic Embodiment in Therapeutic Practices

August 21, 20247 min read

Therapists are always finding new and improved ways to help their clients feel better. They're constantly learning and coming up with creative methods to make therapy more effective and useful.

It's a constantly changing field, which is great news for everyone who needs help and guidance. One such approach gained is Dynamic Embodiment. 

Combining movement, breathwork, and mindfulness, Dynamic Embodiment offers a great way to address both physical and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore all the top benefits.

What Are Therapeutic Practices?

Therapeutic practices are different methods used to help people feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically. This includes talking therapies where you discuss your problems with a therapist, and counseling which helps with personal issues and finding solutions.

Bodywork involves techniques like massage to relieve physical pain and tension. Movement therapy uses activities like dance to help with healing and self-awareness. Mindfulness and meditation help manage stress and improve mental clarity. 

Dynamic Embodiment makes use of theories from Movement Science that capture, more generally, how inseparable bodily movement is from emotional states. It is now known that neural pathways of the brain and body only come into play during movement. This interrelation is crucial for regulating emotions and thus ensuring mental well-being. 

For example, some yoga or dance-like physical activities can stimulate the production of certain neurotransmitters associated with mood enhancement and the reduction of anxiety, such as serotonin and dopamine. Because Dynamic Embodiment integrates movement with breathing techniques and mindfulness, it is not only able to deal with different facets of physical health but also create emotional resilience through neurobiological mechanisms.

Increased Therapeutic Engagement and Personal Growth 

When you actively participate in therapy, like by trying new techniques or sharing your thoughts openly, you get more involved in your own healing process. As you stay engaged in therapeutic practices, you start to notice personal changes. 

For example, if you practice mindfulness exercises regularly or set goals with your therapist, you’re more likely to see improvements. Engaging fully in these activities makes therapy more effective and helps you feel more connected to your progress.

In order to make the most of therapy, try setting aside a few minutes each day for exercises like journaling or practicing relaxation techniques. These actions support your growth and make you more involved in your own journey toward better mental and emotional health.

Benefits of Dynamic Embodiment

Dynamic Embodiment helps you become more aware of your body and emotions, making understanding and managing them easier. It also helps with stress and builds resilience by connecting both your mind and body for better overall health. Here are a few benefits:

1. Holistic Healing:

Dynamic Embodiment is all about helping people understand the connection between their body and mind. Therapists use this method to guide their clients through movements like easy yoga poses or fun expressive dances. 

A therapist can help a client with a series of yoga poses to reduce anxiety. By doing this, clients understand how physical exercises help with emotional well-being.

The goal is to show people how their feelings and emotions are linked to their physical sensations. By doing these activities, people can let go of bad feelings and physical tension. They feel better, calmer, and more in control.

2. Enhanced Emotional Regulation:

Dynamic Embodiment is a great way to help people manage and understand their emotions better. With movements like slow dancing or yoga, clients can learn to control their feelings and make sense of them. 

For example, if a person is suffering from severe anxiety the therapist can help them to take deep breaths. This will shift their mind from anxiety to the sensations in their body.

This method is especially helpful for those dealing with tough emotions like anxiety or depression. It gives them a chance to calm their body and mind and express feelings that are hard to explain using words.

People can leave the session feeling more relaxed and with practical tools to manage their emotions daily. It's a powerful approach that gives individuals more resilience and balance.

3. Increased Body Awareness:

By focusing on body sensations, people can learn to recognize how their body reacts to different emotions. This awareness can help them understand their feelings and needs more intuitively.

For instance, through meditation or simple exercises a therapist can guide a client through a body scan meditation, where the client is asked to focus attention on different parts of their body, noticing sensations without judgment. This will lessen their anxiety levels.

This knowledge can inspire them to take better care of themselves and make healthier decisions. This approach also encourages people to explore different movements and discover how they feel in their bodies.

Through this exploration, individuals can find a more authentic and aligned way of moving and being in the world. 

4. Empowerment Through Movement:

Movement is a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment. Dynamic Embodiment is an awesome way to boost confidence and feel empowered. 

For example, a therapist can ask a client to practice certain dance movements that feel natural and expressive. By doing these free movements, the client experiences a sense of control and strength.

Engaging in empowering activities, such as physical exercises or mindful movements, brings several benefits. It boosts self-confidence by helping individuals view their bodies as strong and capable. This increased confidence leads to greater courage in facing life's challenges. Regular involvement in these activities also enhances emotional resilience, making it easier to manage stress and overcome obstacles.

5. Versatility in Practice:

One of the strengths of Dynamic Embodiment is its versatility. It is a flexible approach that makes therapy more exciting and beneficial. 

Therapists can use this method in different ways, depending on the needs of their clients. It can be used in one-on-one sessions, couples' sessions, or group therapies.

For instance, an individual struggling with stress might benefit from personalized movements and breathwork, while couples can improve their communication and connection through joint exercises.

No matter the setting, Dynamic Embodiment adds a unique and valuable dimension to therapy, making it an appealing approach for both therapists and clients.

6. Professional Growth and Development:

Pursuing certification in Dynamic Embodiment offers therapists an opportunity for professional growth and development. The certification process provides in-depth training and a deeper understanding of the principles and techniques of Dynamic Embodiment. 

Dynamic Embodiment certification is a great boost for therapists' careers. It gives them an edge in the field and shows their dedication to improving their practice.

Therapists who are certified in Dynamic Embodiment join a community of like-minded professionals. They can connect, share experiences, and continue learning together, which is super helpful for their ongoing development. 

It's a win-win situation, as therapists can offer more to their clients and their practices. This not only enhances therapists' skills but also expands their professional horizons, opening up new opportunities for collaboration and specialization.


Dynamic Embodiment offers therapists a unique approach to healing, combining innovative techniques with deep client engagement. By pursuing this certification, you'll equip yourself with powerful tools to foster positive change and enhance client outcomes.

Long-term practices of this kind can help to induce neuroplasticity, which is the brain's capacity for adaptation. This adaptability becomes ever more important in emotional regulation, and even more so when one is stricken by anxiety or depression or has been through trauma. 

The potential of Dynamic Embodiment to facilitate neuroplasticity is particularly noteworthy. By strengthening neural pathways associated with emotional regulation, it may provide significant benefits for those struggling with anxiety, depression, and trauma.

As our understanding of holistic health continues to evolve, Dynamic Embodiment stands out as an innovative approach. It aligns with emerging research on the mind-body connection, offering a path to healing that is both scientifically grounded and intuitively appealing.


1. What is Dynamic Embodiment?

Dynamic Embodiment is a therapeutic approach that combines movement and body awareness to help people understand and heal their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

2. How does Dynamic Embodiment differ from traditional therapeutic methods?

Dynamic embodiment emphasizes the role of physical movement and body awareness, while traditional methods often focus more on verbal or cognitive approaches. This integration can offer a more holistic approach to therapy by addressing both the mind and body simultaneously.

3. Do I need special training to use Dynamic Embodiment in therapy?

Yes, it’s beneficial to have specialized training or certification in Dynamic Embodiment to effectively incorporate its techniques into your therapeutic practice.

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Somatic Success Unleashed

Dedicated to health and wellness professionals - coaches, therapists, movement maestros, and performers keen to expand bodily consciousness and somatic proficiency

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